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来源:出国留学生活 时间:2023-05-21 作者:出国留学就业 浏览量:


1. as a matter of fact 事实上

2. as a result 结果

3. at any rate 不管怎样

4. at the same time 同时

5. by no means 绝不

6. by the way 顺便说一下

7. in addition 另外

8. in any case 无论如何

9. in conclusion 最后

10. in contrast 相比之下

11. in fact 事实上

12. in other words 换句话说

13. in particular 特别是

14. in reality 实际上

15. in short 简言之

16. in spite of 尽管

17. in summary 总之

18. in the end 最终

19. On the contrary 相反地

20. On the other hand 另一方面

21. as far as I am concerned 就我而言

22. as long as 只要

23. as soon as 一...就...

24. as though 好像

25. even if 即使

26. even though 即使

27. for example 例如

28. for instance 例如

29. furthermore 此外

30. however 然而

31. in case 以防万一

32. in order that 为了...目的

33. in order to 为了...

34. in the meantime 同时

35. instead 相反地

36. just as 正如

37. lest 以免

38. like 像

39. namely 即

40. nevertheless 然而

41. nor 也不

42. not Only...but also 不仅...而且

43. notwithstanding 尽管

44. Once 一旦

45. otherwise 否则

46. owing to 由于

47. provided that 只要

48. rather than 不是...而是...

49. since 既然

50. so as to 为了...

51. so that 以便...

52. such as 例如

53. supposing 假设

54. than 比

55. that is to say 也就是说

56. therefore 因此

57. though 虽然

58. thus 因此

59. unless 除非

60. unlike 不像

61. until 直到

62. when 当...时候

63. whenever 每当

64. whereas 然而

65. wherever 无论在哪里

66. whether...or 不论...还是...

67. while 虽然

68. with regard to 关于

69. with respect to 关于

70. without 无

71. above all 最重要的是

72. after all 毕竟

73. all in all 总的来说

74. as a result of 由于

75. as far as 至于

76. as for 至于

77. as regards 至于

78. at present 目前

79. by all means 一定

80. by the same token 同样地

81. even so 尽管如此

82. for all that 尽管如此

83. for the time being 暂时

84. from now On 从现在开始

85. in a sense 在某种意义上

86. in any event 无论如何

87. in case of 在...情况下

88. in contrast to 与...相反

89. in general 一般地说

90. in place of 代替

91. in spite of that 尽管如此

92. in the first place 首先

93. in the long run 最后

94. in the meantime 在此期间

95. On the whole 总的来说

96. taking into account 考虑到

97. to be sure 的确

98. to put it differently 换句话说

99. to sum up 总之

100. up to now 目前为止


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